Dear users and fans,
You’ve been asking quite a few questions about our plans for the next year. Now we have some exciting news we want to share with you!
The 1st blockchain game ever is now becoming multi-chain: Spells of Genesis going on Ethereum!

We are proud of what we have achieved together since 2014 when we’ve launched the idea of the “True ownership” of digital assets. Since then, we’ve been working hard on bringing new ideas and further helping the blockchain technology to become more mainstream, at least in the field of games and collectibles.
Enabling multiple blockchains inside our flagship game is a logical step, in line with our multi-chain approach.
The first Ethereum-based cards playable in Spells of Genesis will be available on sale for ETH in Q1 2020. We’ve prepared a special selection of cards having a great historic and symbolic value.

Orb Explorer: Award-winning project scheduled for release in Q1 2020
Orb Explorer, our upcoming multi-chain browser for collectibles and game items, which has recently been awarded by Klaytn Horizon is going to be released soon!
Those who have subscribed to become beta testers will receive their access, together with the link to the feedback survey shortly.
Orb Explorer will allow you to connect your Ethereum wallet to SoG, to see your collectibles across different chains or to browse thousands of game items.
The public release of Orb Explorer is scheduled for Q1 2020. Stay tuned!